Friday, October 23, 2009

My Hairstyle my Choice!

I came across people from different background, who posed unique questions concerning my hairstyle. I respect everyone's opinion, infarct, sometimes I like the attention I receive about my hairstyle. Why did you decide to twist your hair/ I love your hairstyle/How do you start/ Wow, you look cool. I get these questions often. But this specific date, a woman stopped me while I was taking the kids for a walk, and looked at my son, and looked at me and said, "Why did you chose to have this hairstyle? Why don't you just wear a normal hairstyle." I looked her straight in the eyes, and asked her, "Do you really wanna know, (with a look on my face that hint her that you should probably leave, because you might not like what I'm about to say)." She said, yes go ahead. Beside us was one of the neighbors and I could tell she was ready to hear what I was about to say. I tried hard to be calm, and respond in a calm voice. Even though I don't mind sharing the main reason, I decided not to explain myself, because she does not deserve it. I decided to go deep with it, First I looked on her hairstyle, unfortunately, she had no hair. I asked her: "Why is it that when black people put chemical in their head, or wear the fake weave, or extension braid, no one question them? Is it because that's perceived to be beautiful? Its interesting, that many young people walk around with them fake weave to make their looks like straight hairs, and thinking that by wearing that will make them beautiful. I think that mentality have to change for really. To me that's a sign that you're trying to be something that you're not. God gave me kinky/nappy hair, and I'll embrace that whenever I feel like it. Then she said, enough, enough I heard you. Then she asked again, are they heavy? the lady who was standing next to us, responded, "Look at my hairstyle (she was wearing extension braid) do you ask if their heavy or not? Its just hair." I decided to end it there. I don't have a problem with anyone's hairstyle, or asking me respectful question about my hairstyle, but I don't appreciate when someone tells me that I should wear my hair differently. My hairstyle is my choice period.