Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ndamona is almost two years old!

Ndamona Reading "Baby's 1st Kiswahili Book"
Ndamona is 23 months old now. She's looking forward to her 2nd B-day. Children grow so fast. It was just like yesterday when she turned 1. Much has changed since I posted updates about her. She can dress herself, and feed herself. She is such an independent girl. If she ask for help, she'll tell you "thank you." She thinks she's grown. A couple days ago, she picked up a toy, and started pretending like she was talking to her aunt (Nyanya) on the phone. This is common for a 1 1/2 yrs old child, then she said, "Nyanya, did you call me" I couldn't believe it! Her favorite words are: Hi mommy... Done eating food, or done doing whatever she was doing. Drink please, Every time she wakes up, she'll say hi to everyone in the house, hi Bebe, hi daddy, hi mommy. She can count from one to ten in both English and Oshiwambo, Berhane is teaching her how to count from 10-20, and she is enjoying it. Favorite movies, Dora, Elmo, Scooby Doo (She even knows the characters by names). She loves to sing too. Her favorite songs: Rain rain go away, Yimwe mbali ndatu (a song and poem I created), Itsy bitsy spider... and much more. Favorite food, yogurt, bananas, oranges, strawberries, cheese, doughnut, grapes rice, meat, greens (in a nutshell, she loves variety of food). Favorite things to do: Playing blocks, reading books, bath time, T.V, walking outside and much more.