Saturday, November 26, 2011

FNCC X-Mas Market was a blessing!

 At the FNCC Christmas Market with Nashilongo! Thanks for being there my dearest friend, and the illustrator for "Mrs Kangaroo Visits to Namibia" u rock:)
 This gentleman was my first customer! He bought Princess Makena, and told me that he will bring me luck for being the first customer! Guess what???? he was right I did well! Thank you all for your support!
 I finally met Muta face to face with her lovely family!
The Xmas market brought  Namibian people from different corners! It was interesting to see 70% of the customers mixed couples, foreigners. Some of my customers are from Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, France, etc! While at the event, I had a live radio interview with Toni from the  NBC radio. I was also booked for the newspaper interview next week. I'm so excited! The greatest things are yet to come. 2012 is going to be a wonderful year!