Wednesday, March 26, 2008

To any parents out there!

Did you ever wonder why some parents come to you, and tell you that their 2 years son or 3 years daughter can do that and this. "Oh my 2 years old son can just behave like an adult, or my 15 months daughter can just sing like a 6 years old child." Truly, it's not a bad thing to share your joy with other people, but I think it could be annoying if you intentionally do it to put the other person down. Today, I read an article from baby's magazine, pointing out some of the issues that some parents have, that I have experienced myself. The article said that some parents keep on bragging about their kids because they are trying to make a point that they're better parents. Sometimes, some of the parents try to put other parents down, so that they can make themselves feel better than others. The article also pointed out that most of those parents that brag much about their kids, they will never tell you anything negative about their kids. What they're trying to say is my kid is perfect because I'm a perfect mother. To be honest with you, there is no such a thing as perfect kid. Every child is smart in their own ways. I remember how one of my friends, used to tell me that her son spoke before he was 2 years old. This is true, I met the son when he was 2 1/2, and the child spoke like a 4 years old. That was impressive. There was nothing wrong with my friend sharing this with me, but she kept on and on almost every time i talked to her. Three years later I came to learn that her son didn't know his ABC's until he was almost 5. On the other hand my son didn't really start making sentences until he was 3 years. However, my son knew his ABCs before he was 2 years old. He could count in two languages from 1 - 20 by the time he was 2 1/2. Even though my son could do all these, back in my head, I was always striving to have him speak like his son because my friend kept on reminding me about her son's achievement. According to my son, speech was not his main interest at the moment. All he was interested in was learning about numbers letters and other academic activities. There is nothing wrong with her son learning alphabet at 5l. I myself learned my ABC when I was 9 years old, and I still managed to graduate with a 4 years degree in IT. My point here is don't feel down or bad if your kids mate can jump, skate, while your little one is still on training wheels. Keep guiding them, and encouraging them. Every child is different, and SMART in their own way. Relax, you're a good parent!

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