Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sign language and the baby!

Some children experts, and teachers around the globe emphasized the importance of sign language to introduce it to babies; apparently it enhance the language skills. When Ndamona was about 5 months old I bought a sign language video "Talking Hands" from Brainy Baby. They have great videos for kids like music, numbers etc. I began with the basic sign; such as: milk, more, hi, bye bye, book, etc. Every time I say these words to her, I use the signs too. Immediately she picked up the milk signs before she was nine months old. One day at around fourteen months, I gave her some pancakes, she came to me in the kitchen and said, "Mama, mama, more." Using the sign for more. I was so impressed even though she knew few other signs like milk, book hi, bye, this was different because she was talking at the same time. Currently, I have not used much of the sign language, just because of the traveling etc, but I truly believe that sign language can help improve the baby's language skills. Ndamona is 16 months now, and she says more than 100 words (including peoples names)both English and Oshiwambo (I'll say 75% English and 25% Oshiwambo). She's putting few words together too. According to kidsgrowth.com and many other children resources, a 15 months old baby has about 3-10 words. Some people says girls talk quicker then boys. But, I think having an older sibling also helps tremedously. I also believe a combination of these help (talking to your child about what you're doing, reading everyday, some baby shows, sighn languages, playing with other kids often, and having an older sibling).

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