Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

My friend Joanna, and I organized a Halloween party for our kids and their friends. Since Joanna's place has a bigger space then our house we decided to have it at her house, plus her room mates gave us a big hand. They played games. At a lot of yummy snacks, and screamed a lot. It was fun, fun, fun. The game that had them talking was the mummy game were we divided the kids in two teams. Object of the Game: The first team to wrap their mummy wins! What you need: Toilet Papers. The kids also went trick or treat. We gave the neighbors the candies, and explained to them what to do. More pictures are coming soon.


Anonymous said...

Woo Helvi, you gous looks cute and sweet in your outfit. Halloween is even more fun in Africa seeingfrom the photos. On sunday, little did I know it was Tricky or Treat everytime the house door bell ring.I gave away all my stashed chocolate to the kids... what a great way to stay away from sweet stuffs...something I´m struggling with. Th chocolates are all gone...lol...happy halloween.

Helvi said...

Thank you dear. Lol, I would have loved to get some of those candies from you.