Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baby Shower!

When I left Namibia about 10 years ago, I knew nothing about baby shower/at least I saw it on TV. Luckily I had a surprise Baby shower when in was expecting my first  baby in the US. It was an excellent experience. This was my first Baby shower experience. My friends had planned it for me and all the time  I was smiling not sure what to expect, but I loved all the surprises. I was given a lot of goodies for my first baby and for me to take care of myself after the baby. We played fun games of which I still remember. This is one of the good memories I'll treasure. I told myself that when I return to Namibia, I'll be the one to organize good baby showers for my friends. Since I came back, I went to one baby shower. It was good, but they did it much different from the ones I knew in US. There were no games at all. There were a lot of food, and the baby's present of cause, but I just felt that there was not much fun! Now I have a friend of mine who need a baby shower. I got the list of most of her other friends. All I need to do is organize her baby shower. Wish me luck. I will report back.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)