Sunday, January 6, 2008

My second Pregnancy!

When you're pregnant for the first time, you have no idea what to expect. When I was pregnant with my first child, I was excited, confused, worried, happy, and very scared. I didn't know what to do. Of cause the first person I told was my hubby. I was not surprised that he felt the same way too. I picked up the phone and called my mother. She was very happy for me and gave me all the advice she could in a short period of time. One good advice was that, I should not run nor allow simple stuff upset me. The next thing was to visit an OB. I received all the little books and magazines, and advised me to start taking my prenatal right away. There were still thousands of questions that were left unanswered. Immediately, I subscribed to parents, and other baby magazines. I began to read books on motherhood, and visit links over the net that I would usually not visit. This was the beginning of motherhood. What I didn't know was that, most of the questions were not to be answered by magazines, books, or people; you learn as you go especially from your own mistakes. There is no perfect book on this planet that can teach you how to mother your children because every child is different. The books are just there to guide you. Now I was not sure when to have the next baby. I just graduated from college, my career is just beginning, but I also wonder if its' the right time for baby number two. Obviously, if I have the second baby, I have to wait for some time before I can leave the baby in daycare. Should I put my career on hold, or should I wait a couple more years before I have the second baby. This brings more questions and confusions. Finally, we decided to go for baby number two. Immediately, I began morning sickness, I could not hold anything, and I didn't want to eat anything. I remember having morning sickness with my first child, but this was different, I felt sick all the time. My OB kept telling me that by the end of my first trimester, I will be better. To me , It looked like the food situation was getting worse. Then the second trimester came, I still didn't have any appetite. Finally, by 20 weeks, the food began to test better, and the smell was slowly disappearing. This was a big relieve, but there was something else, I couldn't really feel my baby moving. I knew it was too soon, but I wanted to make sure everything was fine with my baby. It didn't' take too long, slowly I began to feel the butterflies, and by 20 weeks, I began to feel the really kicks. I think they're right when they say that once the baby starts to kick, the nausea will be better. I think I'm now ready to begin this blog from today, and share with you my experience about the last months of my second pregnancy.

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